We ship domestically from our warehouse in Los Angeles and internationally from our warehouse in Hong Kong through Easyship Logistic Service.
Where do you ship?
We ship domestically from our warehouse in Los Angeles and internationally from our warehouse in Hong Kong through Easyship Logistic Service.
Do you ship to P.O. boxes?
Some couries do, some others don't. At checkout, we suggest to choose the courier you know that can reach your P.O. box
How long does it take to receive my order?
At checkout, shipping options will be shown dynamically based on your customer’s cart content and exact address location with a Delivery Time Estimate.
Do I have to pay the Import Duties and Taxes?
U.S. customers will not be charged for any import duties. However, customers in California will be charged sales taxes. For international shipments, certain countries may impose charges on the consignee. Taxes and duties can vary depending on your country. We recommend checking the Easyship Countries Page for information specific to your country www.easyship.com/countries. Additionally, here is an article on how import duties are calculated. If you have any further questions, we are happy to help at support@instamic.io.
What is the pricing in the USA?
Suggested retail price in USA is:
Instamic - 149 USD (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Mono - 169 USD (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Stereo - 189 USD (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Plus Mono - 199 USD (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Plus Stereo - 219 USD (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Plus C Mono - 199 USD
Instamic Pro Plus C Stereo - 219 USD
What is the pricing in Europe?
Suggested retail price in Europe is:
Instamic Basic- 149 euro (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Mono - 169 euro (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Stereo - 189 euro (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Plus Mono - 199 euro (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Plus Stereo - 219 euro (discontinued)
Instamic Pro Plus C Mono - 199 euro
Instamic Pro Plus C Stereo - 219 euro
Would my ordered be processed in USD?
Your ordered will be processed in USD and automatically exchanged from USD to your local currency by your bank or credit card service. For example, if you order your Instamic at 149USD from Europe, you will be charged approximately 120 euros (0.8 exchange rate) + import duties and taxes once it will be delivered to your doorstep. If you need an estimate of the import duties and taxes on your specific order, please contact us at shipment@instamic.io.
What warranty do we offer?
We offer warranty for workmanship and material defects up to 12 months from the original date of delivery. In case you think that your device is at fault, email us at support@instamic.io with as many details as possible in order for us to evaluate your case. If any solutions we will suggest wouldn't solve the issue and you ordered the product on our website, you may have to ship your device back to our team for further inspection. If we can confirm the defect you will be refunded your shipping cost and we will send you a replacement unit free of charge. Please obtain a receipt from your shipping provider which enables us to process the refund via PayPal. We will refund up to $25 USD for return shipping.
It will never happen :) but let's say that you are not happy with your Instamic. What shall you do?
Ifyou are unhappy with Instamic or you simply changed your mind, you cancontact us within 30 days of receipt for a return. If you opened thepackaging, please make sure to send us back all included items (theunits, accessories, manuals and the packaging itself). You will have topay for the return shipping to us. After we have inspected your returneditem and can confirm it is eligible for a return (which means thepackaging contains all items in acceptable condition), we will refundyou the money directly to the account we choose together.
Privacy Policy Statement
Instamic, Inc. has created a Privacy Policy Statement in order to inform you of our commitment to privacy and to describe our policies for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information that may be collected by Instamic when you visit our websites or use certain Instamic products
Email us at support@instamic.io.
We will make our best to reply to you in a timely manner.
Thanks for your support and patience.